The NW Vintage Modified Racing Association (VMRA) was founded in 1986 with the intent to provide a
safe, affordable and competitive racing platform while fostering inexpensive participation by monitoring
and enforcing our established rules. Our race cars are built with the visual intent to showcase
the historical look of the 1950’s thru the early 1970’s. The NW VMRA rules and specifications
have been drafted to ensure that the spirit and integrity of the club remain true to its roots and fan base.
Sunday April 6, 2025 --This is your chance to race on the fastest ½ mile on the Westcoast--
Attention all South Sound Speedway, Stateline Speedway and any other Vintage Modifieds out there, we have been given an opportunity, from Tri Cities Raceway, to hold a Vintage Modified Open Comp Race at the
2025 Apple Cup.
Payout will be $400.00 to start the race.
Tires: Hoosier 3035 & 3045 purchased & stamped from the VMRA
Use your home track rules & weights
Please register ASAP to secure a pit stall - Click Here to Pre-Register
Attention all Vintage Mod drivers please read!!!
VMRA is looking for a commitment for Sunday's Fall Classic race. The goal here is to get as many Vintage Modifieds together as possible and to put on as good of a show as possible for one of the biggest races in the North West! Used Hoosier 3035 and 3045 are the only tires that will be allowed for this race. If you have used 3035, 3045 measuring less than or equal to 5/32" you can have them checked in and stamped by our tech official. This is to prevent new tires or scuffs from being used. I think everyone can agree that we all need to be on the same tire to create an even playing field! $10 per stamped tire will be collected to help pay our tech official. If you have good used ST-1 and ST-2 takeoffs we will gladly trade them out for stamped legal tires at no cost. (Right for right and left for left). It is $35 a tire to purchase them from VMRA. Please let us know if you plan to race or need tires so we can make sure to bring enough tires for all. Tires will need to be inspected and stamped Sunday morning prior to qualifying.
Kyten Jones 2024 season champion with a total of 539 points. Kyten was the 2023 and 2019 champion as well. Kyten’s team had their share of problems this year but overcame them all. It was the first season without a blown engine. Kyten was always a front runner and provided some awesome videos taken within his car, which he shared on his Facebook page.
Steve Woods came in 2nd place for the 2024 season with a total of 534 points. Steve made sure his car made it to a race, even if he could not. However, when Steve was racing at both Twin Cities Raceway he took first place. Steve was always nominated for the 2024, “Sports Man of the Year”. It was said, by Steve’s Peers, “Always willing to help anyone and Always willing to lend a hand or give good advice.”
Kahl Cheth came in 3rd place for the 2024 season with a total of 488 points. Kahl was always a front runner. He was one of our rookie drivers just a few years ago, and now he is the championship. He was nominated by his peers for “Most Improved Driver”. It was said that Kahl, “Improved every race, Picked it up this season, Stopped needing to bump his way through to make a pass and Got his first feature win at Monroe”
Shawn Strimple is the 4th place winner for 2024 season with a total of 482 points. Shane started racing with VMRA 2021. He has shown improvement with every season.
Shane had received votes from his peers for most improved driver as well had sportsman. Stephanie, his wife, is Shane’s biggest fan and best supporter.
Randy Adams came in 5th place for the 2024 season with a total of 488 points. Traveled from Wenatchee making every race showing up “just for car count” Winner of the Hard Luck award in 2022 partially because he asked Hermiston paramedics to let him race the main event before taking him off to the hospital with heart issues. Randy also received votes for most improved driver.
Vince Conwell comes in 6th place for 2024 racing season with a total of 430 points. Vince is one of the top six that made it to every race this season. He is the clubs 2024 vice president, took charge at a few races when president was absent. Vince went out of his way to find the venue for the 2024 season banquet.
Bob Greiner comes in 7th place for 2024 racing season with a total of 330 points. This team is new to our group this year with a shiny new car. Nominated for “Best Appearing Car” “Always clean and sharp looking, and New car this year with good body work”. Vern Huson stepped up to receive the 7th place trophy and the Best Appearing Car trophy.
Mike Clother comes in 8th place for 2024 racing season with a total of 302 points. Mike moved up from Spanaway Speedway racing Hobby stocks in 1995. His wife, Jackie, told him Vintage Modifieds sounds like a bunch of old guys. Mike won some championships around the turn of the century, one shared with Dave Trapp. And now, he is one of the old guys.
Dave Trapp comes in 9th place for 2024 racing season with a total of 194 points. Dave raced these cars in beginning when the club was called JARA and raced for painted rocks at a Belfair wrecking yard. He is a founding member when Vintage Modified Racing Association was officially established in 1986. Multiple season championships and lots of memories in the 38 years since then.
Jason Quatsoe in 10th place for 2024 racing season with a total of 177 points and he tied with Mitch Woods for 10th place. Jason was unable to attend the banquet, he is enjoying his family time in Disneyland. Jason received the Hard Luck award last year and was nominee for the “Hard Luck Award” again this year by his peers. “Engine problems, Had more than his fair share of engine problems, Engine troubles on and off the track, and Could not get his good car to make it through a race day”
Mitch Woods in 10th place for 2024 racing season with a total of 177 points and he tied with Jason Quatsoe. Andy, Mitch’s son, filled in at a few tracks racing for Mitch. Mitch Generously provides space for our tire storage and distribution. Steve Woods accepted the trophy for Mitch Woods.
of the YEAR is John Woods. Here are a few words said by his peers, “Always there to help, Took care of more than one car at most races, Always working on the 22, 23 and 37 cars and Loaned parts to a close competitor allowing that team to make the show”.
Kyten Jones #30 took home 1st place at the Sundays race, Evergreen Speedway. Kyten has a few championships under his belt. Looking good so far for 2024. Kyten is pictured with his dad, Jim Jones, who also has many championships. His son Kamden, a future champion in the making.
Steve Woods #22 came in 2nd place at the Evergreen Speedway race on Sunday, August25th. Pictured with Steve is amazing and very supportive wife Becca. Steve first began racing with Vintage Modifieds in 2018. He is no
stranger to taking home season championships, he has many over the years. Looking forward to another great year for Steve Woods and his team.
Vince Conwell #82 placed 3rd at the Evergreen Speedway race, Sunday August 25th. Vince began racing in 1985 with the Bomber Class. He came to Vintage Modified in 2017. Taking home many trophies over the years. He has a
great crew chief, Jim Shaw, who will step in and run Vince's car at times he has other engagements to attend to and can't make the race. Good luck in the upcoming race.
#8x Mike Duman 1st Place / #82 Vince Conwell 2nd Place / #23 Kahl Cheth 3rd Place
Taking 1st place at Hermiston Speedway is #23x, Chad Broom. Chad races with Vintage Modifieds from time to time, he is with the Idaho Stateline Vintage group. Congratulations to Chad and his team for a great evening of racing.
Fast time was set by Steve Woods, #22 at 16.17 seconds. Steve is currently holding down 2nd pace in points with a total of 208. Steve has held Championship a few times in his Vintage Modified Racing.
3rd place for defending Champion Kyten Jones #30, who completed the last several laps with a broken upper control arm that would have sent a lesser skilled driver to the pits. Kyten maintains his lead in the season championship race.
Kyten Jones #30 / 1st Place
Kyten Jones #30 had a fantastic night at Hermiston Raceway. He had the fastest time, taking first place in the Heat Race and first place in the Main Event. Congratulations Kyten on your amazing evening of racing. Thank you to Kyten's car owner, Kamden Jones and a very special thank you to Jim Jones. Thank you to Kyten's Sponsors, Benchmark Barrels and Daryl Berg.
Vince Conwell #82 took home second place in the Main Event and came in eight place in the Heat Race. Vince first year with Vintage Modifieds was in 2017. Vince has spent many road trips to get tires for the club. Thank you, Vince, for your dedication to the teams. Thank you to Jim Shaw, Crew Chief. Thank you to his Sponsors, Northwest Concrete Cutting and Mountain Edge Event Venue.
Kahl Cheth #23 had a pretty good evening of racing as well, taking home third place in the Heat Race and also, third place in the Main Event plus he is holding third place in points. Kahl began racing with Vintage Modified in 2021. Kahl built his 1956 Chevy Bel Air with John Woods. John Woods is the car owner and his Crew Chief. Kahl's family are his pit crew members. Thank you to John Woods!